Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Unexpected Finds

[The Grower's Daughter]

I promised my son that today we would spend the whole day, just him and mummy, doing fun things.

We drove out to water and walked along the beach together, skipping stones and searching for bits of driftwood. From there we went out for lunch, just the two of us and I got to enjoy his constant chatter while we sipped our chocolate milks. Before heading home, we made our way to the Port and rode the old Merry-Go-Round. It was a perfectly lovely afternoon.

I did however, manage to sneak in one special thing for me. Some of the best local Antique shops are in that area, and I could help but quickly browse one of the larger malls while he was still asleep. I was through it fairly quickly, as he was weighing down my arm, fast asleep. I came home with three great finds that I was super excited about.

One - A Beatrix Potter book that I'm missing from my series in beautiful condition.
Two - A set of three ironstone plates with a pretty edge to hang in my dining room.
Three (and my favourite!) - A lovely little Westclox clock in cream with pretty brownish black hands and numbers. It works perfectly and was only $18! It will be perfect for my bed side table once I get around to finishing our master bedroom.

I hope you are all having a lovely week, and are looking forward to a much needed long weekend!


  1. What lovely finds! Xoxoxo

  2. i did this with my son jon when he turned 9 and he's never forgotten that dfay. i let him skip school and we just went all over town together, to my favorite tea house, to a music store (he's always loves instruments), and stopping by all the kiosks in downtown santiago, chile where he picked up a red white and blue hat that still survives to this day. these are the best times spent. you'll do it again hopefully when he's a little older, just a secret between the two of you.

  3. Love those unexpected finds and you found some great ones!

  4. Which shops did you visit Maria??? ;D


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