My mostly green gardens have erupted into a sea of splendid white blooms.
Tonight, they are heavy and bent low from the summer rains.
My Pee Gee hydrangeas are fully in bloom in the front gardens. It's their first year and I'm please with how well they've come along. These were the ones that I picked up from our local garden center for $10 on Earth Day.
My Annabelle hydrangeas are fully open, and nearly finished with the heat. They are my earliest bloomers.
Our sod has filled in nicely, and we are so happy to have the landscaping done in the front. However, I can't wait to see everything established and fill in over the next few years.
My Limelight hydrangeas are enormous! They have entirely filled out my from garden and stand more than 8 feet tall.
My Bombshell hydrangeas, one of my earlier bloomers, have started showing the slightest hints of pink.
This variety, Bridal Veil, is new to my back gardens. It's similar to a Mophead hydrangea, or Lacecap.
I even got a few large blooms from my newly planted Oakleaf hydrangeas. They've been planted all along the garage, and I can't wait to see them established. They're so majestic looking with their large, shapely foliage and handsome blooms.
Our hedgerow isn't a variety of Hydrangea, but it does flower and is quite fragrant.
And my beautiful flagstone walkway that Ryan spent days working on.
I couldn't be happier with it, dear!