Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Our Christmas Tree

I can hardly believe that Christmas morning is less than 10 days away.

I'm ready, and yet it's still coming much too quickly.

I've so enjoyed having the house decorated again.

I love how, during the Christmas season, each room becomes more inviting and cozy with fresh boughs tucked on the shelves, and potted trees adding the fresh scent of pine and soft glow of their lights.

Everything just swells with comfort and invites one to slow and linger.

I've even managed to start wrapping my Christmas gifts. I still need to add some finishing touches and tag them, but they add some charm underneath the tree.

I don't have a fancy tree skirt, just some old linen tucked around the tree stand.

Most of the gifts are tucked in an antique basket.

I love curling up bedside it on the couch, in front of the fire.

And actually, this is just one of our trees. 
We have a few...

I will share those soon.

Ps. Notice the bare spot in the middle left of the tree? My simple solution was to just tuck a bird's nest on those boughs. I forgot to take a photo of it, but it worked perfectly.


  1. I love your tree - so simple and beautiful! And the presents are wrapped perfectly.

  2. What kind of tree is that? Blue spruce? Lovely color, and does it smell? I cut a red fir, no real smell. Some but not much..

  3. Goede manier van beschrijven, en leuk artikel om feiten te verzamelen over mijn presentatie onderwerp,


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