Anyway, there's one shop in particular that I'm really looking forward to exploring through. And I mean exploring quite literally, as you will see from the photos. It's one of my favourites! It's ridiculously overcrowded with the most random assortment of stuff. I imagine it's actually quite an eye sore to the poor neighbors, and known throughout the area as being infamously "junky". To me - that means it's a goldmine! Oh the things I came across in the short time I spent climbing through on my last visit. I have a few specifics that I plan on getting, but I'm really just looking forward to seeing what I can find again!
Since most of you can't make it out there, take a look at the photos. They don't nearly do it justice, for I'm afraid you have to be in the thick of it to truly appreciate the amount of junk in this place! I can't wait share my treasures when I return! Wish me luck, and happy hunting!
It's a junk queens paradise!