Monday, August 10, 2015

In Season - Peaches

Few things are more quintessentially summer than a sweet peach, with it's juice dripping down your hand as you bite into it, still warm from the market stand on a hot summer's day.

We eat quite a few peaches in the summer, usually just as they are, but occasionally they are enjoyed with our morning yogurt, or on top of our pancakes, drizzled with maple syrup.

Even their colouring is summery.

I think this week I may even can some peaches. I think the boys would love a few jars of peaches with a vanilla bean syrup for over ice cream, or even some peach jam, which would be a first for me.

And speaking of canning, I've discovered that we have what I believe to be a Crab Apple tree in our yard. Not only does this mean that I will be trying to make a batch or two of Crab Apple Jelly, but it means that we will have a tree that will be in bloom in the Spring.

This weekend we stopped by a local flea market. I brought home a small little basket for $5. It's actually the perfect little basket to ripen fruit in. It's often thought that the best way to ripen tomatoes or peaches would be to place them on a sunny windowsill. But actually, these fruits ripen best when stored in a paper bag in a dark place. So far, this little basket has worked well. Right now I have some beautiful Heirloom tomatoes ripening that I can't wait to enjoy.

Looking at this photo of my kitchen, I just realized that I really need to get around to sharing more before photos. Hopefully I will be able to share more soon.


  1. where did you go to shop for antiques?

  2. Your kitchen is LOVELY and could be in a magazine! YES! And I know how you feel about peaches. When we vacationed in California in June, we gorged on these beauties, for they are better when you can get them close to where they are grown. We came back home to Minnesota and had luck with only one batch we purchased here, but after that: CARDBOARD!
    My best peach tasting experience was in FRANCE. But once the season was over (early July), you could not find a peach anywhere, which is good since the French do not sell fruit out of season like here in the US.

    Enjoy your canning and yes, DO share more photos of your lovely home! I am now starting to trust my photography and will be sharing more of my world as well.


Thanks for leaving your comments! I always love reading them. - Maria