Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A Salvaged Hall Tree and A Barn Sale

Yesterday, while enjoying a much needed long weekend, we decided to go for breakfast and then take a drive through the country. We'd make our way out to a neighboring town for a barn sale I had seen advertised in the paper.

On our way, we drove past a pile of large item garbage thrown out on the side of the road. To my surprise, Ryan stopped the car.

"Did you see that hat stand?" he asked excitedly.

I in fact had not. Which is rare, because usually I'm the one asking him to slow down at the slightest sign of a good find that's been tossed to the curb. I don't feel bad admitting that. I've found some beautiful pieces that way.

He backed the car up to the pile and got out to inspect the hall tree and the condition it was in. It needed a little tightening, but aside from that was in good working order. And it came apart in pieces making for easy transportation.

It has a simple umbrella holder at the bottom.

And six bag hooks, with six hat hooks on the top.

I was distracted by the beautiful farmhouse from which it came. It's one of my most favorite houses. It recently went up for sale, however it wasn't in our budget... not even close. To the left you can see a tiny bit of the view. From there you would be able to see across the lake, all the way to Toronto.

Bob and Al's barn sale was more than I anticipated. Though there were still quite a few pieces left, I have a feeling I would have found a lot more at the beginning of the weekend. I didn't have my camera on me so I used my phone. I was quite surprised with the quality of the photos.

The remainder of the weekend was spent having tea on the lawn while the boys cooled off in the sprinkler, doing a bit of gardening here and there and watching Downton Abbey. I'm hooked.

How did you spend your long weekend, or for those who are about to celebrate Memorial Day, how do you plan on spending it?

I'm looking forward to the opening of Christie's Antique Show next weekend! If you'd like to see some highlights, here are some photos from some of my favorite booths.


  1. What a cool find!And that sale looks amazing! The weather is supposed to be iffy around here.But we are going to a birthday party on Memorial day :-)

  2. Bob and Al always have a good sale and the weather was perfect.
    Pack your patience for Christie's I can imagine the traffic...
    Downton Abbey should come with a warning label on the cover of the dvd's as 'Highly Addictive Material'. Enjoy!
    Susan x


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