Okay, so this is more of a preview of what will be featured on the browse list when I return. I made a trip to the library yesterday and I think I'm taking half of it's contents with me! Here are some of the things I've brought to keep me occupied while I'm away. I'm sure I'll have lots to report about upon my return.

Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Sewing and Fabric Crafts
Martha Stewart's Good Things For Organizing
A Prairie Girl's Guide to Life
(This one is 50 projects including braiding, whipping up a face cream, making rock candy, throw a quilting bee, make lavender linen spray and even a how-to on panning for gold!)
The last couple issues of British Country Living
And of course, many months worth of magazine tear sheets that need to be put into protective covers and filed away in the appropriate inspirational genre. (Somehow, I have a feeling I'm not the only one that does that sort of thing.)
I'll let you know how they are!
Oh and as a side note, I also rented the VHS copies of Pride and Prejudice and am looking forward to spending 6 full hours with Mr. Darcy!